Did I? Did not I hear... Something? I prick my ears about the room: Searching out the pin that dropped, As my heart hipped and hopped, Till my anxious breathing stopped, And pricked my ears through the muffled gloom. No, no. Nothing, I insist. Nothing here but doors and walls. No mysterious shades slink through the halls. No, and no, and no again. I heard nothing, I insist. Dare I fake, And continue my pretentious glamoured sleep, Or wake? I burrow deeper into my towered cushions, As if I might find a peaceful sleep Among my favorite plumpéd sheep. Was it? Or was it not it again.... Something? My hound-ish ears up spring again, Upon my nose a phantom stir, My eyes snapping wide this did incur, Out of my false rest it managed to lure, Cursing imaginative ears as my bane. No, no. Nothing, I rehearse. Not a shiver of a painting, Not some long dead ghost in waiting. No, and no, and no again. Nothing for my ears to hear, I rehearse. Do I dare to pee...