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Showing posts from December, 2017

Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls

Don’t go chasing waterfalls, But her waterfall of hair was exquisite.  The long fiery tresses, The delicate profile of her nose as she glances back over her shoulder.  My mother told me to keep my mouth shut, But I couldn’t help myself as I looked at her, Mouth agape at her smile.  Only later did I shut it, As I pressed them to hers.  I was told that this wasn’t natural love, But her soft breath on my ear And the tight curves of her were natural: No silicone. 


Are you tired yet? Are you tired of fighting me? I'm tired. I've been so tired for so long. I've been waiting for you to give up. I want to curl up on the floor. I want to sleep, but you haven't let me sleep. I'm going mad, even now.  Three days without sleep. Three weeks, three months.  "Time will go by, and he will forget." Time went by, and he has not forgotten, not in the least. He remembers more and more each day and each night. I just want to die, so it would be over already. Why do you do this to me? What is so special about me that you haven't given up yet? God, give up on me.